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Nintendo Switch FAQ

FAQ for Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch Lite Consoles
7 articles

Nintendo Switch - First Time Setup.

Step 1: Select Language. Step 2: Select Region. The Americas is the preferred region due to no eShop in Singapore. Step 3: Accept End-User License Agreement. Step 4: Connect to the Internet. Step 5: Select Time Zone. Step 6: Connect to a TV (optional). If you decide to set up your connection to TV...

Nintendo Switch - How to link or create a Nintendo Account?

Step 1: Select System Settings from the Main Menu. Step 2: Select your User profile. Or create a new user profile if you have not created one yet. Step 3: Select Link a Nintendo Account. Step 4: Select Sign In and Link if you have an existing account. Otherwise Select Create Account. Step 5: Select Send...

Nintendo Switch - Understanding regions.

What is console region and what does it affect? The console region is the region you choose during the initial set up of the Switch console.There is no Singapore on the list unfortunately, so we recommend choosing The Americas instead.Console region is mostly used for in-game data. For example, certa...

Nintendo Switch - Switching eShop Regions.

In order to access the eShop from different regions, you will need to sign up for a Nintendo Account from that region and create a new User Profile. Step 1: Select the Nintendo eShop from the Main Menu. Step 2: Select Add User (The Plus Icon). Step 3: If you have already set up a second Nintendo Accoun...

Nintendo Switch - How to redeem Mario Kart Live (AUS) / Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (AUS) / 3 Months Online Subscription (AUS)?

Make sure your Nintendo Account is in AUS region. To change your Nintendo Account region, visit . Under Profile, click Edit. At Country, select Australia. Then click Save Changes. After changing Nintendo Account Region, turn on your Nintendo Switch Console, and selec...

Nintendo Switch - Warranty Information.

How to register warranty? There is no registration needed as Nintendo Switch does not come with a warranty card. However, you are required to keep the box and all the packaging that contains the serial number of the device. You may also track your warranty status via our warranty look up page here: h...

Nintendo Switch - What are the available languages in the games?

You may check for the supported language(s) of the game via Nintendo's official site here. Just search for the game in question via the search bar and scroll down to find the supported languages.