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Sony PlayStation FAQ

FAQ for Sony's PlayStation Consoles
6 articles

PlayStation 4 - First Time Setup.

Step 1: Select Language. Step 2: Connect to Network. Step 3: Connect PlaySstation Camera (optional). Step 4: Select Time Zone. Step 5: Set Time and Date. Step 6: Accept User Agreement. Step 7: Select [Start Now].

PlayStation 4 - PlayStation Store Setup.

Step 1: Press the Home button on your PS4 Controller, then select [New User]. Step 2: Select [Create a User]. Step 3: Accept User Agreement. Step 4: Select [Next]. Step 5: Select [New to PlayStation]. Step 6: Select [Sign Up Now]. Step 7: Fill in [Country or Region], [Language], and [Date of Bi...

PlayStation 5 - First Time Setup.

Step 1: Select your language. Step 2: Select your Wi-Fi network or connect using a LAN cable. Step 3: Adjust display area. Step 4: You can choose to insert a game disc for the system to install it while you proceed with the setup, or you may continue without a disc. Step 5: Choose the power options ...

PlayStation 5 - PlayStation Store Setup.

Step 1: Add user. Step 2: Agree to the software license agreement. Step 3: Create an account. Step 4: Key in your date of birth. Step 5: Select the country and preferred language. The region you choose determines the region of PlayStation Store that you can access with this account. The most commonly ...

PlayStation Systems - Understanding regions.

What is game region? PlayStation games are not region locked, but downloadable contents (DLC) and online services are locked to their respective PlayStation Store region. If you purchase a DLC from the PlayStation Store that does not match with the region of the game disc, then the downloaded content...

PlayStation Systems - Warranty Information.

How to register warranty? You may register your warranty via this page. What is the warranty coverage? PlayStation system warranty coverage can be found here.For warranty on selected PlayStation accessories, the warranty coverage can be found here. What is the process of warranty claims? Customers R...